
Bill was great at campaigning for himself but he's pretty lousy at campaigning for Hillary.

As a hard core Bernie supporter I'm pretty sure this is not a thing.

As I've noted before, Tom DeLay used to call getting the hardcore conservatives and evangelicals out to vote "Rallying the Wackos". Do that too many times and the Wackos take over.

We'll all be drinking Tatoonie Sunsets if Trump gets elected.

"I'm not everywhere at once. I'm only here - with you. And that's all I need. And I think, maybe, it's what you need too."

My parents too. Thanks to Tom Lehrer I know who George Murphy was!

I was 18 in 1980, and trust me, this is way crazier. At least Reagan had some political experience and I could understand why people responded to his folksy, nice old uncle persona.

I love Tom Lehrer and I'm happy to see something about him on the AV CLub (even if it is a GJI), but he put out an album That Was the Year That Was, that contained some topical songs, such as Whatever Became of Hubert?, about Hubert Humphrey.

Note to self: Don't piss off Zeus.

It always amuses me that Capra and Jimmy Stewart were both conservatives yet It's a Wonderful Life's Mr. Potter is the embodiment of conservative greed and hardheartedness.

I agree with your opinion, therefore you are not a terrible person. I didn't watch the Oscars but I've never seen Chris Rock tell a joke that you couldn't see coming Main Street.

Uncle Fester!

No, I have no memory of this. That god damn dress however…

Lots of places! Just Google "female ghostbusters backlash" and you will find many articles that, um, well, decry the backlash…

Sounds like it's stalking time!

Judging from this, the writing is pretty bad.

One of them looks like it's melting. That may be a mannequin of Zatanna that Swamp Thing uses to help get through those long, lonely bayou nights.
I remember liking Kelley Jones' Batman and the interior art seems fine, but that cover - yikes.

Hey LIBTARD why are you subservants to illeagles, sexual devaints & COMMUNIST CANKLES?!!!1!!!1!!!

Christie endorsed Trump? What the fuck?