
He's havin' a ball.

That hack? I'm glad he's gone. I wouldn't - take him back - if he…
*runs out sobbing*

Love this movie, I always think of it as the great Hitchcock movie that people don't know about. My favorite part is the two knuckleheads arguing about murder:

Turtle soup.


Now, now, don't go mocking Bird.

That's funny. Most adopted kids find out their biological parents are eccentric professional drug addicts.

You guys sound like a deservedly forgotten Batman TV show villain.

I'm having a 2020

Finally! Somebody gets me.

I can't believe I was in a stupid meeting! I miss all the good stuff.

I'm belchin'! Buuuuuuuuuuuurrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrp!

I read somewhere that up until the Franco-Prussian war the stereotype about the French was that they were ruthless conquerors and the stereotype about the Germans was that they were a bunch of gentle absent minded professors.

Not THAT Elizabeth Taylor, goofball.

Oh my. You just made 12 year old me very happy.

She is a competent flamenco guitar player but apparently that doesn't pay the bills like shaking your boobs does.

If only those scientists would get off their duffs and figure out what was causing that.

That series ruled!

If an adult Nancy Drew doesn't involve lingering shower scenes I'm not interested.

Drew, you're an bright, inquisitive, plucky cannon and I'm taking you off this case!