
Thank God that this seems to be continuing the fine Disney tradition of ignoring the wonderful source material! Perhaps as a publicity stunt the producers can dig up P.L. Travers' corpse and piss on it.

Not to be confused with No-time Toulouse, the story of the wild and lawless days of the post-Impressionists.

Glad you're still here! I referred to this thread on Monday on the What Are You Reading feature on Monday and got a puzzled response from one person who hadn't realized that the commenters have hijacked TI. Keep spreading the word!

" It's dreadful, but it's quite short." Bernard Black, selling a book.

Get off my starry firmament!

Gordon Gano's a year younger than me, so thanks for destroying my self esteem.

You sir, are the true artist.

I don't have any facial hair so I'll do the cool looking off to one side thing - wait, is that a tick?

Wonder-blugh…*has a stroke*

Don't burn books!

Me too, but I could never make it through the sequel.

I'm sure he answers that on the films he left behind with the directions on how to run the company for the next 500 years.

Vpvoted for vsing the word "japes".

Good to see the Riviera Theatre in Chicago is still up and running. I used to go to movies there and saw some concerts at the nearby Uptown.

The Tolerability Index, which gets posted on the AV Club every Wednesday, has basically been taken over by the commenters and has a bunch of threads that have nothing to do with the Index. One of them is about what people are reading.


Don't even get me started on how much House of Leaves annoyed me.

If you like TR books and haven't read it yet, check out River of Doubt by Candice Milland.

I'm going to assume most of the people reading this also read the weekly book thread at TI (and if you don't, you should).
I'm continuing to read (and enjoy) A Wild Sheep Chase by Murakami and Three Hands in the Fountain by Lindsey Davis.
I'm now also reading Stacey Schiff's ridiculously entertaining biography of

His decision making abilities will be called into question when it turns out the dog's actually a rat.