
Like those would have ANY effect on Lala with his tolerance for chemicals!

Nope, we expect her to flip a coin w/Steve Newlin so he has to get rid of the body, but Steve never watched Breaking Bad so he puts the body in a bathtub to pour the acid over it, and Sarah happens to be standing a floor below the bathroom, so she is showered with half-melted corpse and floor, then hopefully the heavy

actually, I think BFNR's grammar is right. "Hanged" is correct when the subject acts, as in: "Lane hanged himself in his office." Hung is like …AMC hung the show out to twist in the wind. Unless you were joking. You probably were. Plus I mixed my metaphors. Fuck, I'm so confused right now.

I was laughing at that, then talking back to the TV., Call your fucking sponsor or something, Holden! I was terrified he was going to hit the pipe/needle again. For a second my dreadfully exhausted mind considered that there might be meth in that box of beer that he tossed at those gravestones. Fuck, that ending was

So it looks like Sarah Newlin watches Breaking Bad too.

You've got a point there. I was thinking, "well, at least they didn't end with another fucking cliffhanger that insults our intelligence because OF COURSE they're not going to kill them off", yet it was a really unsatisfying, flaccid end to a really blah episode. Felt like a cheat. And I agree about the time jumps. So

I thought that was a joking put-down until I clicked the link. In that case break out the Percocet more because that episode rocked (and not just compared to the previous episodes in S6).

"Who'se 'me'? A fuckin' eclipse?"

Warlow's hair sure as hell reminded me of Angelus (Angelus in flashback mode, not leather pants Angelus). Rather unflattering brownish wig.

My grade for this episode went from a B+ to an A- because NO NORA! Well, that and because it was back to being fun again.

Yeah, she's actually down from where she was BEFORE she got pregnant. She always had a great figure, curvy and fit (being in her 20s didn't hurt, of course), and I was glad she wasn't a size zero. She looks pretty impressive now (a good airbrush tan definitely doesn't hurt) but shouldn't lose anymore body fat. She's

@avclub-2d5991b08cdf805294c0209b808c1a23:disqus OR, maybe  the serial killer has a gun to HIS head? It turns out someone was forcing HIM to point the gun to the red herring serial killer's head! And behind HIM, is another guy, who you would think would be the real killer, but someone is holding a knife to that guy's

Yep. No more refills. And he fucked with their heads, too, talking about suicide. ASSHOLE!  For some reason that particular 'killer of the week' really enraged me, maybe because I know what happens when a doctor casually or whimsically yanks you off your meds. Because, you know, it happened to a friend of mine, that

Neither could she.

I was gonna say… also, we sort of saw Alcide's ass (not enough of it, though) and Rikki plus that younger werechick who ended up having the MOSTLY OFFSCREEN threesome with them.

what makes me nervous is not that there is a new show runner, but that said new show runner, who was hand-picked by Alan Ball as his successor (sp? sorry, very long day) got fed up and quit/was replaced approximately three episodes into production. HBO tried to play that down, but I remember reading about it back when

Get in line!

LET ME SHOW YA SOMETHING! (bursts into flames).

Agreed, how would killing her help anything? The war on vamps would just escalate about 5000% Yeah, that'd really help their cause. Maybe he never planned to kill her and just scare her into being useful… Eric seems to be playing it smart lately and if he kills her, no leverage. That would seem like more of an endgame

I watched the last several S5 episodes on blu-ray in the "enhanced" mode, and about ten times a variation of the following came up: HINT: Does Jason suddenly hallucinating his parents make sense, or could it be the effects of a concussion due to being tossed by faerie-light and then hitting his head? Just glad they