
Me too, they're my favorite couple. I like Kev and Vee and am glad they stayed together, but I really really care about Ian and Mickey. Tough street dudes breaking down and weeping in heartbreak always gets to me for some reason. Also we binge-watched seasons 1-4, so seeing Mickey finally come out and become a

I cheered when Amanda punched Lip in the face. I get that they're not exclusive, but that doesn't mean he has to act like a rotten, ungrateful prick to her. Oh and BTW Lip, you know the professor and her husband are eventually going to tell you they want either a threesome, or some creepy "forced cuckold" roleplay,

I agree 100%! No Freak Show episodes ever caused me to shout "Goddamit!" when the episode ended, as I did with at least the half of Coven. I felt WAY WAY more cheated by the Coven finale. Never got tempted to go for the iPad this season. I loved the entire last act of this finale and had a big happy smile on my face

Yeah, I could see that. Which means he's going to have some REALLY serious mileage on him by the time he hits 50.

yeah, I'd party with her! You wouldn't have any problem scoring drugs. I'd also rather fool around with her than any of the others. Just not in front of some guy having a mid-life crisis…

I'm on Jessa's side. She's selfish in her own way, but at least she's honest about it. It seems like that to me, anyway.

"What the fuck did *I* do?"

It's a drag, too, about ten years ago he used to by REALLY sexy. I've seen plenty of guys his age who were sexy when they were younger look JUST FINE at his age. I did a search because I figured he's shaved a few years off his age and was closer to 50. Nope. Not sure if he has bad genes, bad habits, or both.
If I was

Don't let the door hit you in the ass on the way out.

How sad was it when Pepper was sitting on the couch with Elsa, nervously clutching her little box of belongings (with the kitty toy on top)? I was just teary up to that scene but when she said "Stay…" to Elsa I just lost my shit. Nothing during Coven made me anywhere near as emotional.

I fucking agree, best episode since the days of Asylum. People who had seen screeners had warned me to have kleenex ready for Pepper's scenes, but I kind of scoffed. Wow, were they right. Almost every second she was onscreen I felt like someone was stepping on my heart. I knew Naomi Grossman was talented, but had no

Me too, since I am an out-of-work copy editor.

Yes, I'm afraid so.

Yeah, it was Luann.

I realized towards the end of the episode that it was probably because Chiklis was the only major Shield cast member who didn't get a cameo or guest role on SOA. Well the only major male one, anyway.


My husband and I both joked about, on those last pan-in shots of their corpses in the goddamned music montage, one of them coughing up some blood and their eyelids fluttering open. Preferably Unser

Yeah, I was hoping for some throwaway line like, "Being a trucker sure beats sitting at a goddamned desk in a monkey suit all day." or "Funy, the way you carry yourself, I get the feeling you used to be a cop." "Something like that."

My husband and I both burst out laughing at the shot of them casually stepping around his corpse on the way out to the garden. Did not even glance down…

And what the fuck was up with Jax's foot or ankle being sore? It never paid off, so I assume Hunnam had some kind of sports injury or something, and they clumsily wrote it in. Wish someone had brought that up on Anarchy Afterward, now it is bugging me. They should have just shot around it…