
I think it takes longer for Stockholm Syndrome to set in, it's only been a day tops for Willa. More like She's Pissed At Daddy + Full-on Eric Sex Appeal-Syndrome. But yeah, they had good chemistry.

Yeah, it was a prescription drug bottle, and he took at least two. Lafayette gave Sookie some Percocet a couple seasons ago (AKA a couple weeks ago). Seemed to really hit the spot.

I don't know why she's still on the show, OR on 'the team'.  I'm repeating a previous post (sorry)but I did NOT miss her in this episode at all, and was relieved that her scene was so short. Eric didn't seem too concerned about her, just asked where she was, got "out to run errands," and instantly moved on.

I agree, the actress they cast looks too similar to Nora. Speaking of which, I did not miss her AT ALL tonight, and was relieved when her screen time turned out to be so short.

Heng dai, Wu. Cocksukka!

Was it ever established (or even hinted at) who turned Steve Newlin? All I recall is him saying it was "some lady vampire".

Rikki better not call Martha a skank if she happens to be under an ATM machine at the time. Actually, Rikki's asking for trouble anyway…

@avclub-723c7ca41a74ee7ee5d26e39d12235be:disqus  AGREED. If there's such a thing as a classy, tasteful way to conduct an interoffice extra-marital affair, Joan had it down with Roger, until he got too pushy.

even if he thought it was rich?

He smirked holding out the keys, then opened and slammed the car door for Pete with this sort of satisfied flourish. Aaaaand that takes care of that little fucker.

Uh, is it distracting to anyone else when you hear Sookie say, "Goshdarnit!" and "Fudge!" especially when it's not like anyone around can hear her and be offended?     I don't expect to hear cursing from her as much as, say, Pam or Lafayette,(or me-I have HBO mouth) but it seemed OOC.

It's been said already by other posters replying, but yes, beautiful. Thanks for sharing such a deeply personal and moving story (and doing it well). There's been a few (three) scenes/moments in Mad Men that moved me to tears, and I mean crying my ass off, not just getting just choked up, because they all struck

speaking of emotional, Jesus, that bit towards the beginning of the episode… where Will is in the car, sees that lonely muddy dog whining needily ("can you be my friend?")and Will regarding the poor guy, hollow-eyed, and slowly, sadly, turning his face away from the dog? Jesus,  felt like a punch in the heart!

oh, we did. It happened so fast I asked, 'who did they just shoot?' and my husband said, 'Ken, he was laying there dead'. I let out a huge string of curses after I rewound it, because I swear when he was laying there he did not appear to be breathing, but it looked like part of his head was missing. I know I see way

Well, he makes a good top (up until he goes too far and takes his bottom's book, about all she has to occupy herself between 'sessions'. Also up until she tells him it's over. ok, anyway) and still looks suave as hell (when he isn't sleep deprived, on speed, or so hammered he pukes in umbrella stands… wonder how much

I thought that too (ok, sort of) but on second watching (when I was remembering to breathe) I think Don was being shitty on purpose, the tone he said it in was the same as the whole shitty' conversation'. Plus that was when Ted REALLY flared up. I remember declaring at the first viewing to my husband, "OK, someone's

that was why I had pretty much ruled it out by the time he did leave the room-figured she'd know human from TruBlood. But my brain INSTANTLY reacted, until she sipped it for 30 seconds or so, with this: "he's using that voice again. It's real blood from an innocent, slaughtered human hanging somewhere else in the

Add me to the growing lists. I was also horrified at how casually he said it, and considering it was Jim, I figured it was feasible he'd say it calmly. THANK THE LAWD.

I actually half-expected that when he tucked in Jessica and turned the light off, that after he closed the door we'd see him walking into another room and there'd be a reveal of the "True Blood" source being a naked human hanging from the ceiling by their feet with their throat cut, having bled out into a metal tub

Carbonara Not Glue… I forgot all about that song!