
Agreed, I could not BELIEVE that any person involved's first thought/reaction (or second, or third, or fourth, or…okay) would be, "Oh, he's seduced her and now they have a sexual relationship."  This will sound dumb coming from someone who gets FURIOUS at ageism aimed at women (to the point where I figured out only

Exactly the same thing I thought, I even had time to remark to my husband, "Oh, they're doing the Red Wedding credits on Mad Men, like this episode was their version…" before I realized very low-key music had just kicked in (with a delay)

Do you mean the one at the end of the episode in S2 where he breaks off his affair with Bobbi Barrett? (When I say 'broke it off', I mean 'him feeling like a scumbag when Bobbi says he has a reputation, then tying her other hand to the bedframe and leaving'. Not that I've 'watched that scene so many times that I have

I agree. I completely expected him to puke in the sink at some point during the frantic hunt for Sally. I was almost positive (since he came home after some serious drinking) that he was also going to barf when (Megan?) told him Arthur was at the door, or after he left… Sylvia's reaction was perfect. I could picture

@avclub-14e4cee178d88fb9aa346dbcc11f2873:disqus  "No, I haven't seen Abe for a while, officers. Search the place if you feel the need to. Oh this? I just repaired a basement wall recently… nothing unusual about that…"  MEOW  "What noise? I didn't hear anything…"

Who knows a guy

@avclub-7e1ce4ce3124fd9ecc13a151afcff11b:disqus  (I hope), yeah, it bothered me a lot too I knew something ghastly was coming about the same time you did in the ep.

I got him confused with Edwyn (Frey), who is more than just whiny, instead plays a key role in the RW. Oh wait, I'm allowed to say Red Wedding here. I'm really good with faces but with names I suck, and more than once have had to go to some cheat sheet feeling like a moron because several characters have the same, or

Yakkity Sax? Actually that still isn't as funny as the Curb Your Enthusiasm theme.

I'd scratch The Last Exorcism (though it almost looks like The Exorcist compared to the sequel) and insert Insidious,… then make it an even nine and add Poltergeist. Actually, the Phillip Kauffman remake of Invasion of the Body Snatchers STILL creeps me out when I think of it at sometimes after dark. My parents

"Says.. 'people called Romans, they go …to the house'?"

I re-watched just for that and didn't see her. Slightly irritated a huge block of text covered Varro's face and the only way I could tell it was him was the (very) blonde curly-ish hair.

Oh, I talk back to the TV like that 80s Eddie Murphy routine (during other great shows besides Spartacus,) but this was the most excited I've been in… let me think… Oh I know, a year or so ago, when Lucrecia told a screaming Illythia that she was but vessel bringing gift to the House of Batiatus…"Now, let us see it

On fucking Spartacus, that's when!  Oh man, I'll miss those first viewings…

Oh GOD, the ending to Six Feet Under. I knew what was coming and thought I might mist up a little, but it hit me like a fucking wrecking ball and I can't watch it without tearing up. On first watching, when it aired, I was home, my husband was out, and I cried. My. Ass. Off.  Then when we watched the series together,

A sentiment well fucking shared.

Anyone else imagine the scene of Sparty on his death 'bed' surrounded by
those who loved him speaking of his name not being Spartacus going like this:

I did that (from the couch) and didn't realize til after that I was also applauding loudly. The way people—or me anyway—do in a theater when the final title card comes up after a really good movie. Also had very vocal reactions to the pit reveal when the Romans started falling in, and when Agron rode up on his horse

"Crucifixion's a doddle"
(hurt) "Don't keep saying that."

@avclub-1881baeccb7399f3452cd7f37cdb2b29:disqus I can't recommend them enough, they are surprisingly reasonably priced on Amazon, PLUS almost every episode has a commentary (on the Blu Rays anyway), several 'extended' episodes that have not only dialogue that was cut for time but AWESOME dialogue; for example, in the