
But think of all of the massive destruction it has left behind.


What's the matter?  Afraid of Zoolander Elves?

April Fools is when they reveal it is all a dream inside Bob Newhart's head.

Looks like Hobbits and Mormons have something against the Spice People.

What is so scary about blue eyed people?

The Hangover Trilogy is for people who like their opera mixed with drugs, alcohol, wild sex, monkeys, transvestites, and no opera.

“It will be a fitting conclusion to our three-part opera of mayhem, despair and bad decisions.”

And he has no respect for women as well.
I say we wait in front of his junior high and kick his ass.

Bacon makes everything better!

The prose reads like the love child of Dostoevsky and Céline.  And yes, I'm picturing them doing it right now.  Damn you.

Is that from Journey to the End of the Night?  One of my favs.

I was hoping The Hulk would be involved in this.

Wow…You are very attractive especially for a 150 year-old Jewish comedian.  Will you go out and watch Titanic 3D with me?

A day without a monkey is a sad day indeed.  I'm working on the documentary.  Educate yourself man!

Chimps need jobs.  Have a problem with that?

I'm game for Netflix to take on any show with monkeys in it.

BADASS!!!  You must bed lots of women….or men…whatever your sexual preference.

Whoever that actress is, she shot an arrow in my heart.

Hollywood Scruples or Trivial Pursuit if you know what I mean.