
Chin up, we'll always have Leprechaun.  Wait.  No.  Nevermind.

Not to mention, it will lead us to a dystopian world where our children have to kill each other..

Cindy Lauper has a life time pass for She-Bop in my book.

Maybe so, but we need to protect their rights.

Agreed.  It's like Cameron has become slave to his own Terminator or something.

Titanic freed me sexually, and Titanic 3D will free an entirely new generation.

Sounds edgy.  I may tune in.

Hunger Games….Is this like a reality show with anorexics?  That's so wrong.

I do not know what you said, but I feel it in my heart.

Ferris Bueller gonna hunt you down!!!

Something tells me we can fit in that earlier story about the Ninja Turtles too, but I'm not sure how the crowd will take it.

I will not forget Ghostbusters.  I will not!!!

….like the Turdors, but with horses?

WTF!!!  Those horses talked??? If I'd known that, I would've tuned in…..

Can't wait for the edgification of Mr. Ed.

Whoa…the cultural relevance of Leprechaun Back 2 Tha Hood is hit on the head ladies and gentlemen! BELIEVE IT AND IT IS SO!!!

Dag Na-bit….Nothing is sacred anymore.