
All James wanted was to be in love all the time. Is that too much to ask? Goooshhhhh!!!

I think I just saw a woodsman peek out from behind my cubicle …

Existentialism 101

I want to make the ladies cry just like James!

I do think Lynch is showing an uncanny ability to subvert audience expectations, and that's neat and all. However, there is a THEME here. "Just You and I" love always seems to pull the rug from under us. Last time that song was sung, Bob came from behind the couch. I wonder what's going to happen next episode!

Yoda. Somebody there is Yoda's child!!!

My face just melted.

I believe that episode started a whole fanfiction genre.

WOW … this is taking "Hear This" to a whole other level. Digging the tune.

Considering how central Sam Jones is as an inspiration for my life, I can only hope this movie gives me a glimpse of what life has in store for me.

Considering how central Sam Jones is as an inspiration for my life, I can only hope this movie gives me a glimpse of what life has in store for me.

Remember when he wanted to be taken SERIOUSLY and felt cursed by 21 Jump Street?

Remember when he wanted to be taken SERIOUSLY and felt cursed by 21 Jump Street?

Johnny Depp really doesn't give a damn anymore does he?

Johnny Depp really doesn't give a damn anymore does he?

I'm starting a rock band called "Haunted Box of Porn."  Thank you Sean.

Vlogs keep culture ALIVE!!!

I liked it.  I don't understand why people got their panties bunched over hulk poodles.  That was the best part of the movie for me.  I'd probably sooner watch Hulk again than the second one.

There's only three chords in The Blues man, yet the music lives and breaths.  I have faith.