Animal Mother

The one I know is that all actors want to be athletes and all athletes want to be actors.

We've never seen Arnold so maybe Bernard is a simulacrum of Arnold that Ford made.

I wonder what we did wrong in a previous life to deserve such horrible things.

The internet has trained me to believe this is sarcasm.

So are the people who were there getting a refund for a cancelled show?

So would this be considered girl on girl action?

I have no strong feelings about this one way or the other.

I'm hoping that Vader isn't in it to much but that when he is he kicks all sorts of ass.

Lucas hasn't been a good filmmaker for decades. For a long time he was a really good producer though, but with Kingdom of the Crystal Skull and this even that is questionable now. I'm not sure if money or fame ruined him, maybe both or neither, but at this point he is an example of getting worse instead of better as

Maybe she will be a black or latino woman so we can truly understand the minority perspective from those time periods.

Just as the blue people from Avatar needed Jake Sully so do the Japanese need Gwen Stefani.

You've gone to far!

I do not care for his movies nor his hair. There, I said it.

But he seems like such a nice young man that would never harm another human being in any way.

Well fuck.

Spring Breakers 2: Squirrel Girl?

In the first picture the head looks like it was shooped on as it doesn't seem to fit. Other than that sure why not.

Well it is about time.

You should never have to feel dirty because you love and like to fuck women.

No mention of the Star Trek Next Gen Asexual aliens? For shame AV Club.