Animal Mother

Ah,, I thought the Hawk people were from a different planet or something. Not horribly familiar with them.

Wouldn't it be speciest and not racist?

So someone who likes to sleep with someone of the same sex has the surname Gay? That is like a Library Cop with the last name Bookman.

Beakman's World for life.

After Tolstoy wrote War: What is it Good For he then wrote the story that would become Bloodsport.

Who is that dude in the picture at the top of the article looking back at us? Does he get much screen time with K Stew?

I wonder if a gay poot sounds different than a non-gay poot.

If a white man doesn't endorse a black woman can she really happen?


Stupid white men always writing diverse characters! Why can't they just write white men only?

I remember when I finished watching the original thinking that it was good but what it really needed was an unnecessary sequel.

CBS isn't a cable channel so you don't even need to have a cable package to watch it in the first place.

Done with one album and on to the next!

Well I never! *monocle pops off*

Diversity means others losing jobs, not you.

I read Gauva as Guano when I was skimming and was very confused for a minute,

I would like to see them work it out and make the area better but as it is I have very little fun there.

I hate the Dark Zone. It is a terrible place.

What about merkins?

There is no logic to be faulty in protecting children from the trans communities non-existent plan for world domination and usurping bathrooms across God's own country. There is no time for reason when one is thinking of the children! Won't someone think of the children?