Animal Mother

We'll get around to it Genji, but right now there are so many bathrooms that need protecting.

Free distribution doesn't matter as much when it was funded with profit for the originator of the project as well as an attempt to merchandise the shit out of it with clothes and toys. The whole thing was problematic.

They should add an award for worst movie so writers can have a category to work with instead of just pointing them out.

I remember watching it and enjoying to some extent but they way people talked about it I felt like I should have enjoyed it more than I did.

I only support Kickstarters that help me lick my…uhm…nevermind.


Maybe they saw the Rifftrax version of the Twilight movies. I wouldn't have seen the original if it weren't for Rifftrax.

I feel like I should be excited by a Buckaroo Banzai property but seeing Smith doing it sort of takes the wind out of those sails; I don't really love or hate him but I have trouble seeing him doing it justice. I can't really put my finger on at the moment it but it doesn't feel right.

I didn't get to see Gravity Falls yet (though I heard good things) so I didn't realize it was on Disney Channel. This did make me realize I watched some of Rebels on DVR which I think was on Disney Channel so I guess I have watched some of the channel.

I…I…don't know. Maybe?

A channel I never watched was changed by a show I never watched. You learn something new everyday.

They said "You're welcome sweetheart".


I love this comment.

Which one is a fox? The original or the new version?

I don't really "hate" Lynch but I was using the sentence in the article that said that they "love, love, love" David Lynch.

I hate, hate, hate David Lynch. I understand his work, I just don't like it and it does nothing for me. That was a fun opinion to have in college when everyone else in my film classes only wanted to fellate him.

Is it really any surprise that GP is incredibly out of touch? Haven't there been stories about this for several years now? I recall one where she encouraged everyone to take a few months off to and spend it in Italy with your professional chef friends because everyone can take several months off with no income to

I don't know about God but I care. I just want you to be safe.

Well that just seems awkward all around.