Animal Mother

Es bueno Xmen es muy macho.

Burrito supreme; del gato dos pantolones el enfuego.

I thought her appropriation of black culture would last forever, but I suppose we all must change.

It also could be, though not limited to, that Manson is still alive whereas Hitler is not. Making a violent fantasy about a dead guy is probably a bit different than making one about a live person.

Rebranding of ABC Family

They may be joking but I would watch a team up of Psych, Monk, and Burn Notice characters.

It seems to be the new version of "well did you see what she was wearing" of victim blaming.

Oh you got me on a pedantic point! How will the world ever spin properly again now that you've reached way down and went with the lowest possible response? Somehow we will get through this.

How do you get 'right wing' from joking about using a White Savior trope, or the superficial use of it? Are you that out of touch with reality? If anything people complaining about using a white guy as a martial arts master from Asia are left wing idiots. You need to learn you're idiots better.

You seem triggered do you need a safe space to retreat to so that you can realign your chakras and reharmonize your feelings?

There is always a reason for why a White Savior trope ends up in a place where a White Savior trope is needed. Sully from Avatar had to go to Pandora to show the Navi how to Navi better, but that doesn't mean it isn't a White Savior trope.

We can make it happen. We can make the story harder, better, faster stronger. We have the technology.

How awesome would it have been if instead an "ancient Chinese secret" combat form they went with a forgotten style from Rome or a form of pankration from Greece? Hell you could have it tied together as one global secret organization and an Iron Fist from the east and west.

No but this martial art is specifically from Asia and is taught by Asians to a Caucasian who becomes the bestest at it EVAR.

I hear he has an eight pack.

My wife says we have to have one, but then it is for her.

It can be both things.

Joanna Teters sounds like a porn pseudonym.

I bet you thought he was asleep.

No! You can't make me! You aren't my supervisor! *runs away crying*