Animal Mother

Really? I only saw bits and pieces of it I think, or don't remember it. In my mind I recalled Rudd being her dad's assistant, not her step brother.

To the max

Don't worry, I'm going to let other black people know that this album is for them.

I hate those glasses.

I was curious if this was a 'failure' or 'fiasco' not expecting it to be a 'secret success'. My whole world is falling apart.

Well we aren't the devil but we do seem to have devilish tendencies. Just look at our eggs. LOOK AT THEM

I think they just liked her hair. That was the tipping point I bet.

I haven't seen much of this yet I had planned to watch it at some point but now that I know bikes are stolen I don't think I can. I can't cotton to such impracticable and unnecessary evil.

Seinfeld didn't have a redemption either. Others have pointed out TV characters that are problematic as well. I'm not really seeing anything new or interesting here that makes this really stand out.

Sure he sends condoms and gets a news story, but if I do it I'm a creep. Not that I would. I swear.

It's like pottery.

The only hard core DMB fans I know are neither male or "latent racists". It seems an easy and uninformed avenue of attack.

Hail Hydra

I've seen guys "attacked" as well for the issue. One would have to be ignoring the other comments to see it as only going after Emma.

No, only singers can tell girls they can do anything.

Not sure how to feel about the movie but I did hate the music in the trailer, so I got that going for me.

Maybe next time a black man can write about the struggles of being white.

And zero fucks were given that day.

I liked Wind Waker better to be honest, and would either recommend that or the SNES Zelda game before Ocarina. But then FFVII isn't even near the top of my list of FF games to be played either, so I might be the one to ask.

Well they have shown Batman as being (initially) wrong and butthurt over the whole Superman thing so I imagine that it stems from his butthurtness. I think that is a word, Urban Dictionary probably says it is.