Animal Mother

Is it like poetry?

I would watch that.

She has a cop show for one season?

Was it the angels, monsters, and magic weapons in the movie that made you think it was a fantasy?

That looks awful. I want to make joke, being here and all, but the terribleness of that scene has stopped any such quip from being able to form. I just keep thinking "that looks awful".

I wonder who will win Best Animated Short?

That you would pine for him in an obtuse way or that you would ask him out?

This seems like a strangely odd way to say one wants to date Viggo.

If I recall Doomsday was created solely as something to kill Superman as DC didn't want an established character, especially Darkseid, to do it as then they would have to figure out how to handle that follow up. He was really just created to kill Superman with anything else being an afterthought.

I thought all lesbians started their first date with a rowdy bout of scissoring, or has Porn Hub lied to me?

I didn't realize that acting and singing was considered a macho field full of straight guys.

It seems like it is almost always lesbians that are shown then/or deleted; girl/girl is much better than guy/guy it seems. If gay men are shown it is often in such a way that they are overly feminized, or straight up stereotypes. It isn't always the case, of course, but it does seem to happen frequently.

A memoir would be fine. A 1000+ page memoir? Not so much.

He doesn't seem interesting enough to justify such a memoir. I wish I had something witty to say, or a play on words, but I don't.

No. God no.

This was well before TFA, but hard to say if it is true or not.

So this is basically Everyone Hates Chris?

Man that's metamucil.

Seems like a long way to go just to say that a film isn't very good; not horrible, but not that good either.

I never know how to feel when someone becomes a vegetarian when they realize that meat comes from animals and that animals are not non-organic beings. How does one become an adult without that basic information? Did Fuller think meat came from rocks up until now? I think there is a lot of room for discussion about