Animal Mother

And who are they big for?

I think this Inventory was one of the few times that I saw something nice said about the Yuuzhan Vong.

A show about relationships in New York? This is indeed new and original. Maybe this will inspire others to set their stories in that little unheard of place.

It seems odd to envy those with shitty taste in film, no matter how much bullshit they pile on to try and justify it.

It is almost like the author picked an untenable unpopular position to rile others.

World of Warcraft was the first MMO.

I thought it was like pottery.

Well it was made during the screenwriters strike for the most part, so there weren't any to over think it. Much of it was written by Craig and the director on the fly.

I couldn't hear his complaints all the way down there, and he is right next to me. HA HA it is a short joke because his isn't as tall as the average person!

I just thought people liked the song because the singer looked like Dexter from Dexter's Lab in it.

I don't think those are the kinds of kidz I hung out with when I was that age.

I really only played the other Halo games because of the split screen co-op, and with that removed I have little to no interest in the game.

I'm more upset that people volunteered to be in a Transformers film. I always thought people were forced to do them as some sort of sentencing or part of a plea bargain.

Eh, I'll allow it.

So basically they want to become Maxim.

The lesson being, of course, is that if you care about something you will get eaten.

Yeah, but Caddyshack is still funny.

"You see, if the team is going to win at the football, they need to make more points than the other team."

She's not the victim here. She's not a martyr. She's George Wallace in the schoolhouse door.

That seems to be about 23 more songs than I would want to hear from her, but then I am not in her targeted audience either. Eh, back to Foxy Shazam.