Animal Mother

Cool video, but it is weird to see the 80's glorified so much these days. Most likely it is because I am old and the people that seem to idolize a lot of it didn't even live in that period. Mostly it is that I am old, I imagine.

Your criticism is like poetry.

I know I am enjoying her body.

Titties. That is all.

I don't think it is fake so much as scripted, and the guys who do it put a lot of time and energy into it. It is a tough job that requires a modicum of charisma and a lot of physicality with injuries to boot. When I was in Junior High I enjoyed some of the video games, though I liked the Japanese Wrestling games

I notice you didn't really answer the question, but on the other hand you did get some 'thumbs up' clicks and really isn't that what is important?

It is sad to see someone so young pass but I can't tell beyond that why I should care. As far as I can tell her claim to fame was that she was the daughter of two people with problems and that was really about it.

Shouldn't the word 'comedian' be in quotation marks when referring to Dunham in such a capacity?

Cheryl Burke is making me have impure thoughts.

I think I was one of four people that saw the original Austin Powers in the theater. It was a fun movie but anything after it was…not so good.

That and being a women or person of color also helps one to stand out. Even with the occasional non-Caucasian it is a sea of white up there it seems.

But aren't you going to ruin their fun?

I'll see what I can do but no promises.

I guess I can pretend to be interested.

I handle my equipment all the time, generally unsupervised.

This thread doesn't exist!

I don't recall Peter Parker being a teenager for some time, but even then he is supposed to be an outcast that doesn't have the time or doesn't care about current trends that much. The dynamic is usually that he has always been a nerd that others mock as Peter Parker but love as Spider-Man.

The Predator also comes with a skin to make Jax into Carl Weathers from the film Predator, so it has that going for it too…

It is hard to believe shows from a similar medium have similarities. I'm writing my congressman.

The trailers look awful but the reviews I have seen have been fairly good so I am not sure how to feel.