Animal Mother

I'm not sure I met a 17 year that didn't think they were smarter than they actually were. I knew a few people that went to college quite early but usually if you stepped away from something academic they were totally lost.

There does seem to be a bit of a trend to pick an Ok song that is generally well thought of and shit all over it in this. Of course I wasn't able to see Donnie Darko until years later and didn't hear it repeated ad naseum so I don't have a bad association with it either.

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This could be true or not, I have no idea. My main knowledge of her comes from the Injustice Video Game.

I don't really know much about the comic either, it was just the first character I could think of that fit their foreshadowing.

I had guessed as much when she said that [she and him] were "like fire and ice". Given everything else it seemed like Firestorm was the most likely approach, but I wasn't certain…until now.

When my wife went to a predominantly white elementary school they made all the black kids take a special class on speech because black people can't speak English properly. One of the things they said was that black people can't pronounce f's. It would be funny if it weren't something true and that happened not that

I would think the best possible plan would be not to do another movie at all.

You can't bug therapy, or get a lawyer's ok to do so, without some pretty specific information. It is, of course, possible they just taped his therapy sessions in the hope something would pop up that they could use in court but that doesn't seem as likely since they already had a legal defense for doing so ready to

It sounds like his (ex)wife knew for some time that there was a problem and didn't do anything about it until the divorce, which is also kind of creepy.

A remake of Robinson Crusoe on Mars?

I suppose any boy band will do to be honest; emasculate any of them and it looks right. For some reason I just get the feeling that the basis came from an earlier time period.

It looks like an older Japanese developer wanted to make an New Kids on the Block road movie but worked in the video game industry instead.

Well this ought to get his ex-wife to come back.

If we had something more important to do we wouldn't be on AV Club in the first place I suppose.

People had been saying "Don't be a dick" longer than Whil Wheaton has been alive, so I still don't understand why there is a Wheaton's Law that says it. He didn't invent it nor was he the first to say it so I don't get why it is named after him, or anyone for that matter.

I typically don't care for PvP either but Warhammer Online's PvP was just a blast to play.

I sometimes feel like I'm the only one who enjoys the Original Series more than TNG.

Warhammer Online wasn't bad because the concept or the core gameplay itself was bad but due to, as you said, it being pushed out the door far before it was ready. It didn't even have all the classes or cities ready to go when they birthed it prematurely. In their hurry to get it out before Wrath of the Liche King EA

My issue is the attitude that comic book = funny; not all comic book stories are meant to be funny.