Animal Mother

I was reading a bunch of comics the other day, someo f which weren't laden with jokes. Don't the comic book companies know anything comic book related should be goofy and light-hearted?

Intellectually I know she is of age, but emotionally she still looks like jail bait, and that makes me uncomfortable.

You lost me at "15-minute medley of [Beyoncé] songs".


I can't believe artists draw inspiration from other artists. What a bunch of A-holes.

I don't want them to change them for marketing reasons, but it seemed a good chance to reassess characters that were made 50+ years ago and remove the "Default: White Male" setting that were built into the characters. I would like to see new characters as well of course, but some of the bigger characters could use

I always thought DC squandered a good opportunity to make some changes when they did New 52. Most of the comic characters were created when white was just a default setting and not some conscious choice, more often than not. A few characters are tied to their ethnicity, but most are not. I can't think of any reason

When he is Black Adam he had them, but not so much when he isn't, as far as I know. I also think they have stopped drawing them as inhumanely pointed, like some fey creature, though he is a magical being. Just doing a quick image search the newest versions don't seem to have them at all.
He was hurled from Earth

I thought he was ancient Egyptian.

I suppose for me it was Aisha Tyler. I wasn't paying that much attention to the visuals at first but then it slowly dawned on me that this wasn't just some random person. The others were immediately obvious but she was so tacky looking I had to watch it twice to make sure it was actually her.

I don't quite get why Channing Tatum keeps getting lots of parts. I don't have anything against him personally, but he doesn't come across as a very good actor or even that interesting to look at. His success perplexes me, though I don't begrudge him for it.

Don't feel to bad, I never watched it either. I didn't get the appeal of non-cartoon shows on Saturday. I still don't.

It's like poetry; it rhymes.

Objection! As a plot device, it established Anakin as a Mary Sue. As
spectacle, it was a lot of the same images and shots again and again.
The N64 pod racing game was prettier.

I saw this video up on youtube and just kept going. I don't want to see that kind of thing.

I think the '54 film is ultimately about Japanese redemption through
martyrdom. By the end of the movie, Godzilla is less a symbol of nuclear
weapons and more a symbol of nuclear victimhood. Godzilla also might
symbolize the consequences of pre-1945 Japanese aggression come home to
roost but, again, by the end of the

Someone thinks she looks like Penelope Cruz?

Perhaps you are somewhere on the artistic scale.

They put cages with rats on it over the prisoners hear head, though more as a scare/torture tactic to break the prisoners will more then kill them.