Animal Mother

I suppose my initial misunderstanding came from the general timeline of the anger. I can get why people would be disturbed at the scene, just as they should have been at almost all the other terrible things that occurred. Scrawler was able to explain it fairly well and contextualize the issue. It seems less that

It seems the main outrage has been based on the responses, and not the show, which merely raised questions that lead to those responses. That is perfectly reasonable and makes sense.

I was pretty sure that Archer had no idea about the whole plot, but Todd seems to think he was actually in on it, so who is right? Did Archer know about it the whole time or was this just Malory being Malory as usual?

That is still a response to the response, and not the initial outrage, which is what I am asking about. This also isn't the first time the TV series hasn't been exactly the same as the book, so I don't really buy that as a reason for the initial outrage either.

I forgot to add that I understand why people would be upset with the responses from the director and actor, as it was quite stupid. Still, wasn't it in response to outrage at the scene meaning that in a show full of depravity and misery it somehow stood out even before responses were given? O r was it the responses

What I am unclear on is why this instance has really struck people in a show full of absolutely horrendous human behavior. This is the same story were they were putting rats in a bucket, then putting the bucket on a persons chest and heating it up so the rats would eat their way through the persons chest to get away

I was hoping one of them would pick waffle taco for their recommendation.

I agree with what you are saying in principle Meth Lab, but I'm not sure I would call drake an Icon just yet.

That is typically how movies are made.

I don't know, I think that is the kind of thing you deal with most of your life. I think the perpetuated myth is that by mid 30s you magically have it all together.

I just got the Blu-ray set a week ago so this review will be as good an excuse as any to watch it.

You have a Star Trek character as an avatar, and are named after a comic book character. You might want to ease up on trying to decide who is grown up and who isn't.

Those poor girls seem to have lost their pants.

They could just bring back Go On and I'd be happy.

Now we'll never know how that family got into that sack!

Wasn't After Earth Smith's vanity project for his son and not the director's?

That is correct, I did mean zenith.

I've heard that 'the entire city was leveled' before, and having watched it recently that isn't true at all. The center of the city was wrecked, to be sure, but it was shown that most of it was still standing at the end. The World Engine does the vast majority of the damage, and by the time Supes and Zod fight the

It helps that All Star Superman is at the zenith of his powers and experience whereas in Man of Steel he had been Superman for less than 24 hours.

He's like the skeevy uncle that comes around on Holidays and uses the time to try and give his nephews sex advice and talks a bit to loud about all the sex he's having.