Animal Mother

I've read the review and I am still not sure what this is about or what to think of it.

More movies need the message that hostages should fall in love with their captors. They tried to teach us this in Day of the Condor, but I guess the world wasn't ready then, but it is now.

I don't know, Patrick Wilson is pretty scary looking.

Damn, I guess someone has to answer seriously. It is from Insidious.

The hospital hallway scene in The Exorcist III probably is my freak out scene.

King Driis is no Childish Gambino. I think.

I'm not a fan of campy Batman at all, but I like having lots of different interpretations of the character.  While I generally dislike the Adam West series, there was that recent digital comic homage (Batman 66) that I didn't hate.  I suppose I am more interested it whether they are telling an interesting story then

I assure you, Conan O'brien is real.

Maybe Kanye will be to Jimmy Kimmel what Tracey Jordan was to Conan O'brien.

I like NDT, and even was at a lecture of his a few weeks ago, but he has a subtle, but consistent, disdain for anything not STEM.

Or how about Hot Shots!: Part Deux with Martin and Charlie Sheen?  "I loved you in Wall Street!".

It is how we afford all these trips to pop culture locations.

You might remember him from such films as…wait, wrong Troy.

It is outside the comic in that he never says it his code, and has killed before, albeit rarely.  This 'no killing' code comes more from us then anything cannon.  Now he tries his damnedest not to kill, to be sure, and has stated as such, but he has never said that it was off the table completely.  In fact one of the

Zod didn't seem stupid enough to fall for that. 

Cntrl + f Galaxy Quest

About Schmidt maybe?  I don't know.  The point isn't whether it improves a movie or not, just that it has seemingly become the sole talking point of the film. 

I remember when I started college there was also a guy that showed porn in his dorm room and would invite everyone in the hall over to watch.  I would walk past the room and see everyone in there looking awkward and uncomfortable.  I think the host was hoping for some kind of group masturbation therapy.  I never went,

I think we are already there.  Whenever the movie comes up the main selling point is always GRAPHIC LESBIAN SEX.  I can get that from the internet and not waste 3 hours.  I haven't seen anyone say "oh the dialogue is really good" or "man that cinematography", it always comes back to GRAPHIC LESBIAN SEX.  I suppose