Animal Mother

One guy says he is a 'cold-ass honky', but how you get from there to 'all the black guys turning and looking around' I think says more about you then him.

I took my little sister to a birthday party for 12 year olds and 'Superman that Hoe' came on and one of the girls said "this is my ish" and they all started singing.  I don't think any of them had a clue what they were singing.

The communists were putting fluoride in the water/

So Extremities, but with child kidnap, and less Farah Fawcett.

If you want to see some vids that are better then any of the prequels by a long shot, I recommend the cinematics from Star Wars: The Old Republic.  Someone was nice enough to put them on Youtube. It isn't chronological order, but it is in HD.

Usually those on the Dark Side tend to get into a lot of fights, and often get quite messed up as they try to fight the nastiest things they can find to prove their badassitude.  It isn't unusual for a Sith that gets quite powerful, politically and physically, to be pretty jacked up.

I don't know about a generation, but you certainly speak for me as well.

I also didn't make this post before that was released.  As long as any new films stay away from time travel I will be happy.  Well, I'll be happy they didn't use time travel, at least.

If they are to bring back Star Trek to TV, and they can apply this to the new movies as well, I would like them to follow at least these two simple rules.

Did you see the way the medium was dressed?

For not trying to be 'all X-files', you are doing a smashing job of it.

I figured it was doomed since I enjoyed it.

In Ultimates wasn't it said that there was a sex tape of Tony and Black Widow?

I was having that discussion earlier.  It was essentially mechanical sciences versus biological sciences in this film, whereas the others were all about machinery.

Later I thought about the line 'creating our own demons' and recalled that Killian breathed fire, so it would seem that not was it a metaphor, he was practically a real demon as well.

I understand why Pepper survived the fall and the inferno, but how did the bra?

Killian was philosophically and intellectually more in line with the Mandarin, both the historical and the comic.  He was the shadow behind the throne and pulling all the strings.  I also liked the fire-breathing and wish there had been more of it.

His acting was better, but the show wasn't.  It did have an appeal to boring, listless viewers that enjoy hearing about Earl Grey instead of GOING ON FUCKING SPACE ADVENTURES AND DOING SHIT AND GETTING SHIT DONE FUCK YEAH.

You know what, I admit I forgot about DS9 when I posted that, and readily admit that DS9 was the best thing about Star Trek since ToS.  I exaggerated a bit for effect in the post, which may have hurt DS9's feelings a bit, and for that I am sorry.

Do you think getting caught was part of Superman's plan?