Animal Mother

Sure it was new and interesting at one point, then it was cancelled and years later came back as the snoozefest known as The Next Generation.  It has been pretty crappy ever since.

I fear change.

I started a little before New Cult Canon as well and always looked forward to a new entry.  Still, I knew the end would come some day, but I don't see it as a bad thing, as change is necessary to avoid becoming stagnant.

The point of this isn't to speak ill of the dead, but since we are asked to relate our experiences I will relate mine.  I met him at a press junket for Vanilla Sky and Orange County, and he was brusque, dismissive, and rude.  It was not the personality I had heard about, and every time I relate the story people would

Can't it be both?

No love for Movie Bob over at The Escapist?

Any idea who actor who played the Bro Body Douche rep was? 

Since Sam Raimi is a Producer, Writer, and the driving force behind this remake maybe someone should have him get in touch with the people involved with the original so they can explain to him how pointless it is.  Apparently he doesn't know much about the franchise and they, along with the fans, can enlighten him as

I was always partial to "To many Urkel's on your team that's why your wins low".  It is a hell of a way to make a Family Matters reference.

I'm pretty sure I saw him as well, standing next to SVU cop.

I'm pretty sure I saw him as well, standing next to SVU cop.

Why would them all being Kryptonian make them immune to heat vision?  All of them being Kryptonian means that being near a yellow sun gives them super powers.  Superman has blasted, and been blasted by others, heat vision.

Why would them all being Kryptonian make them immune to heat vision?  All of them being Kryptonian means that being near a yellow sun gives them super powers.  Superman has blasted, and been blasted by others, heat vision.

Or maybe he is trying to teach Clark that he can't save everyone, which is true.  One of the big struggles the character has to deal with is that no matter how many people he does save there are always going to be people who say "why were you there for 'x'?  Why didn't you save them?"

Or maybe he is trying to teach Clark that he can't save everyone, which is true.  One of the big struggles the character has to deal with is that no matter how many people he does save there are always going to be people who say "why were you there for 'x'?  Why didn't you save them?"

I guess I must be the only one that doesn't see this as grimdark and/or gritty.  It seems like it takes the character and his growth into being essentially a god seriously instead of being campy.  I can see it even being to self-serious, but I don't get the gritty label being affixed to it.

I guess I must be the only one that doesn't see this as grimdark and/or gritty.  It seems like it takes the character and his growth into being essentially a god seriously instead of being campy.  I can see it even being to self-serious, but I don't get the gritty label being affixed to it.

I just got my Dark Knight Bluray trilogy in and watched TDKR again since seeing it in the theater, and found I liked it much more this time around.

I just got my Dark Knight Bluray trilogy in and watched TDKR again since seeing it in the theater, and found I liked it much more this time around.

Well, you have to remember Bruce hadn't really done much fighting in eight years, and that Bane was at his peak.  At the time no one knew why he wore the mask, so didn't realize it was pumping him full of drugs to dull pain.  It isn't until Batman is in the prison and learns the story that he knows what is going on,