Animal Mother

Or does it make so much sense it just blew your mind?

Superman fights with people that are powerful quite often (Zod, Darkseid, Doomsday, Braniac, Lobo, ect) and does indeed know how to fight.  How he learned to fight probably changes depending on the time period of the comic.  In the films I imagine the crystals that gave him his education also gave him knowledge of

Maybe we are to assume they thought they had more time, but it was pretty silly writing and an obvious set up to get the two in one room for an episode.

So it is Brian from Family Guy w/o TV censors mixed with a Judd Apatow 'man-child must learn to grow up' standard comedy template.  Sounds about right.

No, you are not.

It is not a Pootie Tang reference.  Your journey must continue on.

There is only Trace, and no other.

He was also in Psych as well, though that didn't end well for his character.

Or like in the Ultimates, when the Hulk tries to eat Iron Man.  I think he says something along the lines of "looks like canned ham, wonder if it tastes like canned ham too", then starts to try and shove Iron man in his mouth.

Surprised Bill Murray's The Razor's Edge didn't make the list.

We don't cotton to them fancy "literaraties" up in these parts mister.

My god, it isn't improbable.

Is it wrong, or have I become to cynical, to think the recording company pushed this to help try and reform his image to protect their investment?

"I fell and hit the doorknob.  I deserved it becuase I am so clumsy".

You thought Tracy would create a sensible taxonimy of skin tones? 

…threw stuff out the window onto a hot, summer sidewalk.

We all know that the black guy dies in horror movies, so I imagine they were almost all killed during the run of the show, with the majority being during the miniseries.  The black cylon was killed permanently at the end wasn't he?

The thing is they didn't actually get rid of all their tech, and I imagine they at some point would have run out of some of that stuff anyway.  They show tents, barrels, and people with backpacks full of stuff.  They got rid of some of the bigger items, like star ships that were falling apart anyway.  And of course,

I never got the complaints about the ending that revolved around the religious aspects as well as the loss of technology.
