Animal Mother

'Victor' was supposed to be seen as a very effeminate man, so that helps a bit.


I think we were done several posts ago, really.

Here are a few reasons I know you aren't as smart as you wish you were:

a) The difference between training and experience isn't 'slight'.  Khan doesn't even actually have any actual training, almost no experience, and is on a ship he stole whereas Kirk and Spock know their ship, have received extensive training, and have quite a bit of actual experience.

It wasn't that Kirk was trained, it was that he and his crew had decades of experience in space combat.  Reading a book on naval warfare isn't going to make me Admiral Nelson.

I don't think Spock was implying that Khan literally didn't realize he could move in three dimensions; he commented on the pattern of his starship combat strategy.  I never understood how people misunderstood such a simple point of Khan being inexperienced in space combat.  Even with his 'superior intellect', the crew

Khan wasn't an experienced starship captain.

First Contact

He didn't say he never felt anything, and he was referring to facing up to his own mortality in a meaningful way.  Finding his brother dead didn't mean he didn't feel immortal, just sad that his brother had died.

You aren't the only one.  TNG is alright, but TOS is still tops.  Of course I also like Star Fleet Battles and find the Star Fleet Universe much more interesting than the universe set out in TNG to some extent: more factions, conflict, politics, and Starfleet is still the military arm of the Federation and

Do you think every movie you've seen is good just by virtue of having a straight romance in it?

Yeah, that is pretty sad.

Glen Howerton tweeted that Nicki is not the waitress.

It is a surprisingly strong cast for something with Rob as the lead.  Looks better (or at least not worse) than the new Tim Allen show or the Jim Belushi sitcom.  Not a high bar, but if they can be on TV, why not?

You also run into the problem on the other side where the best Lynch fans can come up with is "2 deep 4 u".

I like to David Grohl as well, assuming we are using that to mean the same thing.  Sure it is naughty, but it is also fun.


I admit to watching it as well above.  I can't quite bring myself to admit to liking it though.  I'm working through some complex NCIS related emotions, obliviously.   

My father-in-law got me into the show much like Phil's grandmother got him into JAG (which is to say, begrudgingly).  We had to spend a month at his house while waiting for our new place to be ready and all he seemed to watch was NCIS on USA, including at least one weekend marathon.  Is there some version of Stockholm