Animal Mother

Now should I do a reference to the "Who's the Boss" class in Community or to Open Court Books doing a "NCIS and Philosophy" book?

1.  He doesn't make a living doing it.  It is more of a hobby.  They have seemed to move away from that bit in the last few seasons and more toward kinky but consensual antics.  Still, can't disagree to much.

I would agree except that McFarlane has been fairly vocal about wanting to see Family Guy over with, and in fact would have liked it to be over a season or two ago.  I think it was even a Newswire here on this site.

Did James Franco™ say that?  I bet James Franco™ said that.

There is a doctor that does medical reviews of House, and shockingly, it isn't always that accurate.

It's almost always difficult to watch anything with a person who is connected to something with knowledge of it.  Cops, Soldiers, Doctors, ect… most movies and tv bend some things, or outright just change them, to make a story work. 

"I offered you a season pass to the festival of light that happens inside my chest cavity"

He doesn't have to do much.  It isn't as if he isn't getting offers you know.  President's get to pretty much pick and choose their projects after they get out of office.

I think that Martin Sheen fella is doing alright.

Maybe I could go there sometime.

I don't know, David Fincher's Alien movie was not that bad in hindsight.

Going to have to go against the popular movement and say that American Dad is actually pretty good.  Though, like many shows, it took a season or so to work out the kinks.

I also would like to see it reviewed weekly.  There are several threads asking for weekly reviews so this seems as good as any to join in with the choir.

First  game in awhile I have been looking forward to playing.

What if she isn't American, but still Jewish?  I think Neckbeard is leaving the door open for a Jewish female of any nationality to be able to play the part.  He is trying to be accepting of other cultures when it comes the female Jews tripping for eight days.  It is about international empowerment, really.

So the sins of the father are placed upon the son?

It is a big deal because Gary X has little else going for him so over reacting to perfectly reasonable questions help fill the void of his sad, sad life.  You probably have friends and go out and do things, but Gary X sits home alone, waiting to feel good about himself and needs to do so online.  Why would you take

There is a difference between wanting other people to listen/read/see something that they may not have heard of and turning your nose up at people who haven't heard of those things.   I suppose there could also be a popularity factor involved as well.  Like that guy, you know who, that only likes something as long as

I always thought it was people who were obsessed with obscure pop culture and more importantly did so to lord it over people that were doing other things and didn't have time to seek out every unknown movie or band.  Knowing about smaller or lesser known groups and sharing them is fine and doesn't make one a hipster,

The Final Strategy?
At the end after House left the building he stopped and smiled. I can't help but wonder if the 'recovery' was his last play. After all he did ask what the difference between pretending to go along and actually going along was.