Animal Mother

In all fairness I think it was only the roommate that said he had manic-depression. He could be a bit of a fabulist or just thought that was what he had. I don't recall any other confirmation.

It's not gay. We are just testing our strength.

He wasn't a man's man, like Freddy Mercury. That guy must have gotten some crazy amounts of pelt. Amiright?

While I don't disagree, I still like Brazil.

Ravenpen = Rusty Griswald?!?

Brief nudity? Why, that is all you had to say.

Well I do what I can in the time that I have.

Being a bit silly is Marbury's facade. While genuinely a friendly fellow, he masks his intellect and knowledge with his frivolity. It gets people to underestimate him and let their guards down I suppose. Those who know him (as the President obliviously does) understand this. He didn't get where he was just by

I recall at some point it is said that that the injections are Betaseron.

@Royal Dude

I think a call girl doesn't have sex (HAHAHAHAHAHA) but is just an escort, or paid date, if you will. A hooker, well, she has sex for money.

Admiral Fitzwallace
I loved John Amos in the role and always enjoyed it whenever he got some screen time.

I had to read several different essays and articles in a political science course about the show and while most of them argued about the politics of the series the one thing that most of the writers agreed on was that it was nice to see someone attempt to show the positive side of public service; that it need not be a

Oh My
This is giving me flashbacks to college. My professor wrote a book about masculine representation in film so we got to hear a lot of things like this.

Yes, we know there was no PG-13 rating at the time. If you look all the way to one post above yours, it is pointed out that was partially responsible for the creation of the that limp-wristed poodle skirt wearing excuse for a rating.

That's no plot hole, that's a nerd hole!

If you could be bothered to read the article you might notice that Pierce gives a description. In fact, if you saw the word mumblecore then you were at the beginning of the sentence that describes it. I know there was a comma to separate 'mumblecore' from its description, but if you can make the leap over it you can

Bruno didn't become a Republican he just liked Alan Alda's Senator (and didn't seem to care for Bingo Bob Russel) and would work for whoever could afford him. The Santos campaign didn't really start off with that much money or prestige if you recall.

My in-laws love this stuff and have bootleg videos of the plays and movies (irony?).

Yes, and the guy playing games on his Iphone next to you is the very model of consumer restraint.