Mr. Tadakichi

"Enhanced employee productivity," I would assume.

One of the last independent video stores in our county went out of business, and when I went in to buy movies I "wandered" into the porn section in the back.
Boy, there sure are a lot of movies with "Anal" and "Part VII" in their titles.

Get a room.

And it only took, what, 4 years?

Or maybe because this sounds like an incredibly uninteresting book.

Yeah, and if you think about it, you're losing the worst 5 years of your life.
So, you get to watch the re-boot of "Two and A Half Men" and you spend 5 less years drooling into your lap in some retirement home. It's win-win!

Well, I laughed.

All pre-industrial societies are filled with people with a deep reverence and respect for the Spirits of Nature.That's why they can talk to trees and raise spirits of stuff.
Imagine a Rush song, played entirely on instruments made out of gourds.

"Gunfight at the Black Lagoon" did pretty well in Singapore, if I remember correctly.

It's okay, we'll try again some other time. When you're not so tired.

Hey, I kind of liked the gerbil.

Excellent article.
I haven't been to a Comic-Con in about 16 years. I remember going to one and showing my portfolio to the guys from Archie Comics. The editor must've been in a bad mood, 'cause he really ripped me up.
Artistically, it was the best thing that ever happened to me. I learned more from that than from any

A motley crew, yes, but are they rag-tag?
Is one character trying to make up for a past humiliation?
Has one seen far too many wars?
Is there a minority sidekick who'll be the last to die?
Does one hotheaded character go running out into enemy fire, shouting: "They got Jimmy! You bastards!"
And do they have the Young Kid

At first I thought it was Christian Bale in the foreground.

The Scheming Yetis
Dibs on that for a band name!

Ha-ha! Rich people have problems, just like you and me?
Who knew?

Well, based on the idiotic second title-"What The Internet Is Hiding From You (Wait-The Internet is now an intelligent entity capable of making choices?)" to statements like: "the premise suggests that it might be better served as an essay (I get it-it's padded)"-this sounds like something that should be shelved next

Why can't we laugh at addicts? Ever been to an AA or NA meeting?
They're sure as fuck laughing at you and all the damage they did to you.

It's funny-that other guy said the same thing.