Mr. Tadakichi

See now, if you had crossed this road trip movie with Captain Fantastic's road trip movie, you might've had something.
Quirky luddite family has to cross a zombie filled state to get to (insert goal here) using their quirky luddite skills against murderous hordes of former techno-slaves.

Obviously Mr. Oliver hasn't spent much time in Michigan's beautiful Upper Peninsula, where pastys are the national foodstuff.
And damn good foodstuff (or, as the British spell it, foudstuff) they are.

It's 9 am and my upstairs neighbors have already started partying.
The worst part-besides the building shaking and what sounds like them throwing refrigerators at each other-is that one of them laughs exactly like Ricky Ricardo.
"Hyuk hyuk hyuk!" all day long.
I'm going in to work early.

You sound exactly like the person in charge of my local library system.

It's like if Nicholas Sparks had written "Stranger in a Strange Land!"

Dolphins rape ducks?

And a great book too.

I believe William Goldman has a few choice anecdotes as well.

Add "The Flight of the Phoenix."
I'm going out to buy a copy of "Magic." I never realized that he directed that.

My thoughts exactly.

Quick! Somegody call Don Henley! Rollins wants to cut a duet on "Get Over It," stat!

I saw it in the theater and it was like nothing anybody had ever seen before.
Sure, it was cheesy, but man, it was insane. And the insanity almost never let up. Murderous mimes, the Baseball Gang…what the heck was going on?
And you can't imagine how cool the bottle clicking,"Warrriooorrrrssss… come out and play-ay"

Do you like…gladiator movies?

"Tits on a Plane!" Someone call Samuel L. Jackson's non-union Mexican equivalent!

I remember a photo of that in an old Playboy magazine (or was it Penthouse? Oui?). Seriously, you're not imagining that.

And now I am leaving for no raisin!

Except the states rights to not return runaway slaves. The South was pretty darned opposed to that particular one.

Maybe this is like when they make all the Romans have British accents.
You know, to make our ancestors more, um, sophisticated.

And your father smelled of elerdeberries!

Wait, wait-let me try!