Mr. Tadakichi

Nowadays I just wait for the sequel. Or the gritty reboot.

As long as there are no talking cars in it, I will watch it.

I still have my copy of Batman Family (I believe) with the original "Moon of the Wolf" story.
It was a great tale-Neal Adam's art, Batman not believing that it was really a werewolf and getting his ass handed to him, the great ending, everything.

"Two Out of Three Ain't Bad"
"I want you,
I need you,
But there ain't no way I'm ever gonna love you…"
A girlfriend quoted those lyrics when she broke up with me, shortly after this album came out.
It was years before I could listen to that song again.

Laugh while you can, monkey-boy, but that is one awesome song to dance to with the right woman.

Jesus, yes! I've been trying to remember the name of "Rise of the Triad" for over a week now.
Loved that game.

We've got a 51 year old tranny who comes into our library every day-most days wearing tight pants, a big wig, and more makeup than Tammy Faye Baker. I'm often reminded of the "I'm a lady" sketches.

"Petulant Manly Gravitas."
"Petulant Manly Gravitas?"
"Petulant Manly Gravitas."
I like the way that sounds when I say it out loud.

Oh, you young people. Worst song ever?
Why, back in my day we had Paul Anka's "You're Having My Baby."

He's a man among men, a men among man, and in the shower, he's always got your back.
And I for one, sleep better at night knowing he's on the job.

..they're making a movie about a guy and a boat, and the lead actor's name is Bale?

But he had God to help him! Sort of like a super sidekick.

Lobsters 1, after that LEAN joke, I'd say you were all Walsh'd up. Kazan't you come up with a better gag?
Wise up before using jokes down at the Coffeehouse. It'll definitely make for a Wilder time.

Gable to little boy:
"Timmy, do you like gladiator movies?"


Also, Ein is really good at shogi.

The firstie committee would've accepted: Ein, Zwei, Drei, as well.
Otherwise, yes. The grade is A.

My library has a Scandinavian section, and I picked up "The Long Ships" just for the heck of it.
It was a lot of fun. I was surprised at how funny it was. I just pointed it out to a patron last week.

Lord of the Rings
Three Musketeers
I used to read Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas every time I traveled, but now I do all the driving, so that's right out.
I'm gonna go check out the Jeremy Irons "Lolita." I listened to it years ago (and it was remarkable), and need to listen again.
Oh, and all the Patrick O'Brian Aubrey &

I second the Cookie Monster love. Excellent post. Well-reasoned, carefully stated, entertaining and enlightening.
Have a snickerdoodle. Hell, have a basket of snickerdoodles.