Mr. Tadakichi

Yeah. I remember going to a pet store in Detroit in the 60's when my brother's friend was buying a pet alligator, and seeing a real black leopard for sale.
And, you could send away for a squirrel monkey with an ad in Boy's Life. I always wondered what the monkey thought, being sent through the mail.

And monoculture exists for a reason too.

"…an ice-cream headache of a film"
Is the best one-line movie review in the English language. The best one-line movie review possible in the English language.

Shit McFuckenstein has won the Internet. We can all go home now.

20's. I was in my 20's in 1982. God, I wish I was that much younger.

I saw E.T. when I was in my 0's, and I absolutely hated it.

A quick Internet search reveals that the proper name for such a device is "Whee-Lo."

yeah, what was that twirly thing? If you got it going too fast it just jumped right off the tracks.

Whatsammata? Giant safe not good enough?

I thought a Gore Whore (tm) was someone who believed in global warming.
You know, that liberal conspiracy theory desgined to take away our guns.

Well, my iPhone just pissed me off for the last time, so I smashed its face in on a concrete step. Guess I won't be getting all those songs back.
Not that I'd ever be stupid enough to trust my data to Apple.

And littlealex, we still use microfiche at the library. All those back issues of the local newspaper aren't available in any other format (and they probably never will get scanned to the Internet).
Fascinating to read. Did you know that many years ago, they would publish the names and addresses of people who were

My copy of "Fixin' Up Your Van on a Budget" from 1977 has the clearest, most in-depth discussion regarding the pros and cons of cassette vs. 8-Track sound systems for your rockin' lovin' machine.
I forget which won.

Dunno, but I'd say it's worth it to buy the box set and the movie.

The fight with Vincent on the Eiffel Tower in the rain on Halloween Night from "Knockin' On Heaven's Door".

Just keep in mind that the movie doesn't take place until very near the end of the series. Somewhere around episode 23, if I remember correctly.

Obviously, Chryso, I second your Azumanga Daioh recommendation.
It's the best example of a completely character driven show. Plus, it really starts to grow on you after a few episodes.

Come on-you know how many guys developed a purple hair fetish from that show?

League of Extraordinary Gentlemen
1) Mina
2) I'd get to live in that world.
3) Mina

Yeah, I can just see the Torchwood gang coming to your rescue.
"Oh yeah, sorry we're late. We resurrected a Cyberman and then we started playing games with this alien technology thingy that we forgot we had lying around and, well, now everyone has earthworm DNA mixed in with their genes."
"Also, we sort of made an