Jonathan Carlisle

"It’s still hard to get a handle on the Governor; his evil acts don’t
jibe with his seeming kindness in other scenes, making him at times like
a character who exists only to serve the needs of the current scene."

"It’s still hard to get a handle on the Governor; his evil acts don’t
jibe with his seeming kindness in other scenes, making him at times like
a character who exists only to serve the needs of the current scene."

'save for a few hokey lines like, “Triangles are my favorite shape.”'

'save for a few hokey lines like, “Triangles are my favorite shape.”'

"That anger keeps coming out, and it’s what drives Bobby to go to Clay at the end of the hour."

"That anger keeps coming out, and it’s what drives Bobby to go to Clay at the end of the hour."

The hackneyed use of "Hexter" to describe a relationship between two characters really made me question what's planned for the rest of the season of reviews of Dexter on A.V. Club.

The hackneyed use of "Hexter" to describe a relationship between two characters really made me question what's planned for the rest of the season of reviews of Dexter on A.V. Club.

Yeah.  If you ignore the several episodes of character and plot development, it sure was a quick turnaround.

Yeah.  If you ignore the several episodes of character and plot development, it sure was a quick turnaround.

"as indicated by the journal Michonne finds and its “All work and no play” style slash marks"

"as indicated by the journal Michonne finds and its “All work and no play” style slash marks"

Hey now.  You started your final comment saying you didn't understand the scene, then finished by calling it 'pointless.'

Hey now.  You started your final comment saying you didn't understand the scene, then finished by calling it 'pointless.'

Hmm.  I think you missed a pretty big boat.

Hmm.  I think you missed a pretty big boat.

Two of them just got sent to labor camps.  The reviewer got confused.

Two of them just got sent to labor camps.  The reviewer got confused.

"they crashed again with an out-of-date “Save Pussy Riot” t-shirt as the
punch-line for the entire episode."

"they crashed again with an out-of-date “Save Pussy Riot” t-shirt as the
punch-line for the entire episode."