Jonathan Carlisle

"Key comes out, dressed the the nines, rapping about how hard his life
was on the streets, and how music is what got him through. Then Peele
enters as a Lil Wayne-type rapper just talking about breasts and asses. And like the time Brother Mouzone from The Wire has to confront some low level street jockey, Key is

"Key comes out, dressed the the nines, rapping about how hard his life
was on the streets, and how music is what got him through. Then Peele
enters as a Lil Wayne-type rapper just talking about breasts and asses. And like the time Brother Mouzone from The Wire has to confront some low level street jockey, Key is

"I’m also interested to see where things lead with Hannah, who appears to
be the latest love interest for Dexter, but one that would never be
able to abide by his addiction the way Lila or Lumen did."

"I’m also interested to see where things lead with Hannah, who appears to
be the latest love interest for Dexter, but one that would never be
able to abide by his addiction the way Lila or Lumen did."

Why are you asking about Bag End in The Hobbit when it was covered in the video diaries, and subsequent blog posts about the content of said diaries?

Why are you asking about Bag End in The Hobbit when it was covered in the video diaries, and subsequent blog posts about the content of said diaries?

Yeah.  That was ridiculously awesome.  The level they've gotten to with articulating dog behavior is inspiring :-)

Yeah.  That was ridiculously awesome.  The level they've gotten to with articulating dog behavior is inspiring :-)

As I'm constantly on the verge of deleting the bookmark, I thought I should say that this review was very good.

As I'm constantly on the verge of deleting the bookmark, I thought I should say that this review was very good.

"but absolutely not in a gay way, not that there’s anything wrong with that."

"but absolutely not in a gay way, not that there’s anything wrong with that."

I think it's fair to say that the G.I. Joe Retaliation references were poorly executed product placement, not just a badly timed reference.

I think it's fair to say that the G.I. Joe Retaliation references were poorly executed product placement, not just a badly timed reference.

Dear AVclub Editorial:

Dear AVclub Editorial:

Here we are.  The start of a new season of a show that has fallen out of critical favor, because it's more interesting to find things to dislike than to attempt to approach the show without biases.

Here we are.  The start of a new season of a show that has fallen out of critical favor, because it's more interesting to find things to dislike than to attempt to approach the show without biases.

"Despite a setting and theme the show hasn’t sent up before, it feels
like a rote walk in the park following some easy to follow guidelines."

"Despite a setting and theme the show hasn’t sent up before, it feels
like a rote walk in the park following some easy to follow guidelines."