Horatius Bonar

How do I "Like" this without feeling like a depraved perv?

Eat it, because when you someone eat it.

I wouldn't say I'm happily back on the Walter White bandwagon, but I definitely need SOME force in the universe to come down on Todd, Uncle Jack, and the Funky Neo-Nazi Bunch.  Since it seems like nobody except Walt is left to rain down some righteous justice on their National Socialist sympathizing asses, I can only

Alright, who's the joker who activated C3PO's Tony the Tiger subroutine?


There should be a way to unlike a comment.

There should be a way to unlike a comment.


Well you made a long journey from Milan to Minsk…

Every time I'm able to detect a Canadian accent I have a "Rowdy Roddy Piper putting on the sunglasses in They Live" moment.

Daft Dicks.  Difcks.

Free gold for Disney-Pixar: In Planes 2, Gedde Watanabe is "Banzai," a crazy old Mitsubishi Zero that doesn't know WW2 has ended.  His catchphrase is "which way is Pearl Harbor?"  Banzai is also an expert in karate and enjoys making plane themed sushi rolls as a hobby.

Don't put salt in your eye.

I was surprised that Kissinger was still alive… 1997 and 2007.

Let's make lots of money.

Are you excited enough that it makes you So Hard?

But Jimmy Carter is smarter.

I was in the middle of a rant about how anyone who thinks The Daily Show is better than The Colbert Report is a tragic dummy, but I've walked myself away from that ledge.  *deep breaths* Of course your opinion is valid, it's just different from mine. *deep breaths*

I don't care much for dong eye either.