Perry Diddle

Copyright law is pretty specific about what can and can not be protected. Chord progressions, song titles are not protected. Melodies are. I don't doubt that there are tone deaf people who can not hear the similarities between these two songs but when you compare transcriptions of each song it's obvious that the

I don't know jack shit about Marvel and DC but this cat was da bomb in those Matrix movies. :)

How odd. . some guy named McCartney tells the same story!

Is this the movie where he smokes a joint with Seth Rogen and they slip into a hot tub and travel through time arriving at a California mansion full of hip young movie stars just as the apocalypse begins due to a couple of nitwits pissing off the North Koreans. Or did I just pitch the next summer blockbuster?

I'm really looking forward to "The Time-Out", "The Grounding", "The No Supper for You Tonight" and "Your Puppy is Dead".
Good times in TV Land!!!

I don't know about anyone else but I am sick and tired of Weird Al being so likeable and reasonable.

“The rule in popular fiction is that things have to happen in threes”

Taylor has described him as "fragile".

Oh man. . he went full retard. You NEVER go full retard, man.

Hmmm . . . "The Bourne Ad Infinitum". "The Bjorn Concept with music by ABBA".

"But that hasn’t stopped May, Deacon, and Taylor from continuing under that name after Mercury’s death"
I know details and facts are optional at the AV Club but Deacon pretty much fell off the face of the earth after Mercury's passing. He participated in some recordings and one or two tribute concerts but has wisely

I'm not commenting on the show, I'm commenting on a bunch of Internet hipsters getting all worked up over a soap opera.

A gaggle of basement dwellers breathlessly rambling on and on about a bunch of fictional characters as if they actually existed get all snarky when someone has the audacity to suggest they sound like a bunch of bingo playing blue hairs wringing their hands over “As the World Turns”.

For fuck's sake, a couple thousand words on a warmed over soap opera. We get it, you're really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really excited

By the time you say a Fiona Apple album title, it will already be in the cutout bins. If there were still cutout bins. . . 

The only thing that would make this movie sound more horrible is replacing "Eddie Murphy" with "Jack Black".

Which one is Dan?

For fuck's sake is this flake ever going to do a role that doesn't involve a Halloween costume or a horrible fake accent?

Upside: I just shaved a chunk o' change out of my monthly nut. Bye bye Notflix.

All of a sudden this guy has standards? So fucking "Yogi Bear" must be high art for this nitwit.