Perry Diddle

People still say "BADASS"? Shit, I'll be right back I gotta see if I can retrieve the Kid Rock CD I threw away.

Being from Detroit I have oodles of respect for Jack's tenacity and style but I never really thought he was much of a song writer. He's great at lashing together a few interesting riffs and he's equally great at creating interesting sounding recordings but nothing really holds together for me as a song. Except . . . I

I just want to know who is the person that saw an egg fall out of a hen's ass and thought "I need to put that in my mouth". Zimmern's shtick isn't far from that.

"I only eat animals that are astoundingly stupid and fail to pass a minimal cuteness threshold"

A good call I'm sure but after reading it the third or fourth time in the piece it was. ."Yeah, okay, I got it!"

So, let me get this straight, you decided to end the show for the sake of your kids. Okay, got it.

Everyone is entitled to their own opinion and if you enjoyed the movie,
good for you. I still maintain that it was a grossly overrated piece of
crap, and here's why. (FWIW: I am a musician/drummer so some of my
issues are technical.)
1.) The abusive nature of the instructor is
insipid. Are there instructors with

"Whiplash is one of the best movies of this decade." Oh gawd, I almost pissed myself laughing at that one. Whiplash is the most over rated piece of drivel to ever escape the "straight to DVD" scenario. This thing is so horrible it almost put me off J.K. Simmons. Almost.

Yeah, I missed that. . . .um. . . Animal House is timeless, yeah, that's what I meant. :)

Two words: Animal House.

I never use RT to assess the quality of a film. I just measure the volume of vomit under my seat when the credits roll. DeNiro is a anorexic's wet dream.

And you need the black keys and the white keys on a piano to play . . . oh shit, wait a minute, I just got a great idea. Anyone have Stevie Wonder's phone number????

The song in that video reminds me of The Cardigans . .especially her vocals.

What a pompatus ass.

"Here's an idea. Let's get Johnny Depp, slap a bunch of make up on him, put him in a Halloween costume and have him perform with a border line speech defect."

Compared to the Bible, it is modern. It's all relative.

"If all the sins were erased and we were able to start again, would it work better? Have we learned from our mistakes?"

You're an idiot.

That is the dumbest thing I've read in a long, long time. But thanks for rewording what I actually said and projecting your own twisted, screwed up moralities onto a flippant comment.

I had the dubious pleasure of experiencing the 70's and 80's first hand AND I was a professional musician at the time doing the usual bar band grind. At the risk of irking DDB9000 even further, I have a pretty good idea who Journey's demographic was at the time and it was primarily women and the guys that wanted to