
*passes out*

Something tells me that Bingo Little's marriage to Rosie Banks is way happier than Jared's to Ivanka or Don's to Melania.

I think it's safe to say that Bingo hasn't committed treason, unless partying too hard is a betrayal of the U.S., and if it is, then we're all treasonous, man!

He's not treasonous
He's not treasonous
He's not treasonous
And Bingo was his name-o

Stop bragging about donating that kidney to his wife. It's not like it was one of your kidneys!

After I drink a couple of those, ICP.

My own personal favorite: "i love you will im your girl i have you on myspance will my mom do not like u people i siad fuck u bick and my bad bye" - rowshanda t

Two things

My stepfather (who is, in many other ways, a terrible human being) announced to my brother and I that he was going on a date a couple weeks after my mother died. I felt that was too soon and insulting to my mother's memory, but what was even worse was that he felt like he needed to announce it to us than the fact that

How else are you going to fit in all of those montages?

I'm sure that when he is impeded from ruining people's lives, he has a sad.

There are all kinds of things in Trump's CV that should have disqualified Trump from being POTUS that are way beyond the mere fact that he was involved in wrassling, but alas, here we are.

He wasn't just involved in wrestling. He's a member of the WWE Hall of Fame. The first POTUS to have that honor! *salutes*

Seriously? Since the occult stuff was the stuff he dropped like a hot rock in the latter half of the first season, it seems weird that he wanted to go back to that same well.

For someone who has had experience in comedy, he sure didn't get the weird humor of Pizzolatto's stuff.

I don't think that was the problem. It sounded like Pizzolatto spent years developing the scripts for S1. Suddenly he has to make the same level of quality in less than a year. And he also had better performances. Matthew McConaughey had some pretty goofy lines, but his performance was able to make them work. Vince

And so we get to the obligatory Grateful Dead joke:

*Spike Jones angrily tweets a plastic bird whistle*

It's a series of tubers.

Really I don't care what an actor's process is, as long as they bring something special to their performance. The difference between DDL and Jared Leto is that the former is a riveting performer, and the latter is just boring. So DDL can ask the cast and crew to do all the heavy lifting that he wants because the end