
Read the article that this article is suggesting that you to read if you would like more information on why the article that this article suggests that you read makes the arguments that they do. Easy enough.

That shot of Robert Mitchum in Night of the Hunter that pans to Jimmy's hands really gets to the heart of this episode. In that scene, Mitchum's character, a minister with the words Love and Hate tattooed to his forefingers, uses those tattoos to tell the story of the struggle between those two forces, though

Of course, that car is filled with animal byproducts, including antifreeze, the vinyl in the seats, and most plastics. So they should probably stop driving too.

It tells it like it is.

Remember when G. Gordon Liddy's career was destroyed and he was shunned from polite society for breaking in to the Watergate Hotel? Me neither.

I worked at a movie theater where this was previewing that was not too far from where the crime that this film was based on occurred. The family of the victims showed up and were really upset that this film existed. They were civil and respectful, but they protested.

How is France over? Are they getting sucked into a black hole or eaten by bears or something?

Naw, man, I love a Jolie pun like that!

Gentlemen, you can't fight in here, this is the war room!

Ah yes. Conservatives are more realistic. This is why Donald Trump is President.

Getting forcibly dragged from a flight, concussed, and losing a couple of teeth? One star.


Well it likely didn't work in terms of his approval ratings. I doubt those who didn't support Trump are going to do so now that he did this. And many of those who did are angry that he betrayed his promise not to get dragged in to the Syrian conflict.

Then yes.

*turns on tap*
Holy shit, it all makes sense now!

"Take it from me, I will kill your wife. I will kill your son. I will kill your infant daughter."

*Mike calls Gus Fring to see if he can make change for a dollar*

Also, there are not enough descriptions of elaborate meals in Ferrante's books.

I've been reading this guy's work for years, and he usually looks like the most buttoned up preppie imaginable. It looks like he's going through a midlife crisis here.

Ramblin' is great. If you're going to go on and on about something, it helps if it means absolutely nothing. That way I can just let it wash over me like the tides.