

Can you explain to me why fire is hot? It's because of demons, isn't it?

Pour water on their diplomas and they magically turn into a sponge!

Obviously she's doing it for the dollar.

He both cares deeply about how he is perceived, and assumes that everyone thinks he is the greatest. He is always right, so wearing oversized clothes and a tie that goes down to his crotch is the height of fashion. Everybody knows that!

Almost as much as Trump misses Hillary.

To be a joke, you have to be funny, and Pat was never funny.

Much human communication involves empty signals like wearing pins,
bantering at a party, talking about the weather in the elevator, etc. It may be empty of content, but it has a social function. And that is what those who accuse people of virtue signaling of doing. Attempting to use empty words to achieve a social

And now you can be accused of virtue signaling, too! All that the term seems to mean is that you make some claim to a purportedly virtuous idea. It's a way for blaming people for stating that they believe that something is good or bad. I don't see what the criticism is beyond that.

Yeah, that is a nice tie that John Slattery is wearing.

I recently read a history of the October revolution, and one thing I came away with is how far away the U.S. is from anything resembling a revolution, despite the pipe dreams of so many of my Facebook friends.

Yup. My version of this list would be:

Looks like that Duke boy is in a heap o' trouble now….

I recently read Harry Frankfurt's essay "On Bullshit," which describes this tendency to a T. A liar is someone who says falsehoods, but still wants those lies to be plausible. A liar wants his lies to live up to the truth, like a criminal building an alibi. A bullshit artist like Trump, on the other hand, doesn't care

And this is exactly what I find crazy about these kinds of conversations. It's just a neologism. These things are born in the language all the damn time (think about the way that the tech industry has redefined the meaning of the word "disrupt" to mean all kinds of happy horseshit), but when it's a neologism about

Based on the ads for that show, I assume that the Rock plays a guy who speaks only in corny cliches like "when you make an omelet, sometimes you gotta break a few eggs." I assume he works for a greeting card company.

It's funny because it's about shitting.

Bun thread!

So the gift shop doesn't visit you? That seems wrong.

*clap clap* treasonous!
*clap clap* oh shit.