
I'm generally irritated by entertainment that includes a lot of lecturing, so I'm no big fan myself.

Judging by the fact that he's spent most of his career writing about politics and the media, and he's just now recognizing that this is a real issue, I wouldn't hold my breath.

Why do you think he is known as the Tool Man?

Robin Williams as Mrs. Doubtwater is the role that Charlie Day was born to play playing.

That book is nuts. I think I need to reread it again.

Trump didn't make his money by building amazing buildings. He bankrupted himself multiple times by building (amazing) buildings, and then pulled himself out of bankruptcy by leveraging the tax benefits of being a billion dollars in debt, selling his brand to other people to stick on buildings, steaks for sale at the

Arnold only destroyed one marriage.

Actually, they awarded Crash Best Picture years back, so this is far from the only screw up in the history of the Oscars.

I watched the shit out of it!

*hoses down latex suit*

What the fuck are you talking about?

This is why I'm single.

Trump likes his steaks well done, so he has the palate of a monster.

Another pun thread. Soviet. *sigh*

It's actually more like fermented Alka Seltzer than alcoholic Sprite.

Well, to be fair, who wouldn't feel that way?

There's a profoundly depressing book called The Song Machine by John Seabrook that shows how the assembly line production style of BB/n'Sync, among others, has completely taken over the pop music landscape, and how it's essentially manufactured to plug as many repetitive hooks into your brain as possible.

His appearance suggests someone who is just regaining consciousness after passing out in the bathroom at Dave and Busters, so you are probably right.

Thank fuck.

Oh, you kids.