
Some of us them are Davids

Screw You Taxpayer!

Also more Adventure Time. Two seasons is not enough.

Krakow! Krakow! Two direct hits!

Stupendous Man's stupendous knowledge let's him complete the test with stupendous speed! 1492! The Battle of Lexington! Trotsky! The Cotton Gin!

Homer: Oh, I want trouble, all right.
George: Then you're going to get trouble.
Homer: No, _you're_ going to get trouble.
George: Oh, that's good, that's good, 'cause I _want_ trouble.
Homer: Then we're agreed there'll be trouble.
George: Oh, yeah, lots of trouble.
Homer: Trouble it is.
George: For you. [walks inside, slams

Only in Soviet Russia

Also the New Testament.

There's nothing like an unfurnished basement for pure comfort.

I guess they were concerned and they only let him drink Mountain Dew. I think that makes them Juggalo parents of the year.

That's just Merry had a little lamb only you replaced your dees with your doos.

Ray J funny or OJ funny?

All we are is sawdust in the wind

John Jay Smith loved that scene as well

Moleman: Lesbian? This isn't my army reunion.
Man Dressed in Military Clothes: You're coming home with me.
Moleman: Yes, colonel.

But — but — but —

Chalmers: Ow. Ow. Ow! Ow. Skinner! Why aren't these uniforms colorfast?!
Skinner: I don't understand it. I got them at the same place I buy Mother's dresses, and — Good Lord! Mother's in the park!
Chalmers: Now this, I gotta see!

Hey: something's coming back to me. Down with homework!

You tried your best and you failed miserably. The lesson is, never try.

The Al-ighty -ollar?