
Great, now Tarantino's not going to direct that musical

along came Jones?

He clearly knows how to play knifey-spoony.

It is all part of Shia Labeouf's grand artistic plan.

And so the penguin says, "Dude, he's not an eggplant, he's retarded"

Why not just make a movies where both kidney's get stolen so they can crate a role for Dennis Rodman?

This has to be called Kidney Punch.

I am just blown away by these puns. They just uzi class.

I thought texting was the reason people shoot each other during violent movies?

It's a perfectly cromulent word

I'll just trademark "crush" then.

I assume you are a big Melville fan.

Homer: Well, that's nothing, because you have a gambling problem! And remember when I let that escaped lunatic in the house 'cause he was dressed like Santa Claus?
Marge: Hmm.
Homer: Well you have a gambling problem!


Announcer: …the windup and a 2-2 pitch. Oh, no, wait a minute, the batter is calling for time. Looks like he's going to get himself a new bat. And now there's a beach ball on the field, and the balls boys are discussing which one of them's going to go get it
Homer: [only one not drinking] I never realized how boring

Don't say that Dan Dierdorf did not give a stellar performance. That is something he doesn't not do.

*Angry mob chases Diane Kruger by mistake*

I bet an angry mob would still end up at Bill Pullman's house

They had every reason to suspect that Jimmy Kimmel was attending that Afghan wedding.

No. I'm here for Microwave Cookery. No, wait. [pause] Coping with senility.