
An adult should strive for excellence, not elitism. Measuring yourself against others is the province of children.

What if he force choked the little douche from the Toyota Pathfinder ads?


It's not too soon. I checked.
Who would have thought this would be what Steven Tyler was remembered for?

It's the movie that made movie reviewer Nick DiGilio declare, "I'm ashamed to be white."

Why didn't Daddy quit drinking? He couldn't. He drank for the government.

@ack ack Donna was channeling Ed Sullivan for a moment.

You have an Uncle Kool-Aid?

The Bible is the world's oldest and longest good cop, bad cop routine.

Show me your tits is the Indiana state slogan. We wait until they don't show us their tits before we call women stupid bitches, though.

Demand for petroleum is highly price inelastic. There's no reason why speculators shouldn't drive up prices because it's not like fat fucking Americans are going to boycott or take a bus or something.

Tim Curry needed fangs to look this scary.

Great Divide was near perfect, but they really faded fast. I can't stay mad at 'em, though. Even Dan Wilson's Free Life had some redeeming qualities.

Helen Mirren plays every character.

And I am Gisele.

It's idiomatic, beotch.

It would be weird if Ted had their mother's paintings in the house if he were married to someone else.

I agree. It was a longshot that it was going to be Tim Matheson, instead, but why spoil it?

Listening to Vampire Weekend for the first time is like getting a pop-up ad for gay porn. It's not what you're looking for, and you can't get rid of it fast enough.