
I like it as a blow dryer.

Casey Affleck is the new Joaquin Phoenix. You'll see.

Apparently Superdeformed has gained immunity to CancerAIDS. Alert the CDC!

Bill Reed, sorry I stole your comment. I hadn't read page 2 at the time.

Probably just me
Did anyone else hope the episode would end abruptly with the murders unsolved? No? Just me then.

I've never seen one man agree with himself so many times.

El Diablo
is my most hated of all Michael Westen aliases. He's kind of like extreme Johnny.

Which side of the glory hole? It matters.

Lucky for all of you there's a registered sex offender around who's not afraid to search for Justin Bieber's torso. I can neither confirm nor deny the existence of a third nipple.

no moms
The message kids should learn from the Bristol/Situation ad is that if they get pregnant, they will be cursed with fat old lady face. Hers has expanded by at least 75%.

Helen Mirren
"It's like her breasts are afraid of the dark."

That's absolutely right, Oh. That Knife…

I don't remember anyone making fun of them
Maybe I couldn't hear the ridicule over the angry yawns.

If anyone can remake Salo as a rock album, it's Axl Rose.

That was hardly a blatant threat of murder. It's far more disgusting to me that so many Democrats are willing to ignore Keith Olbermann's career long abuse of coworkers and watch his show.

the attitude
He's gotta ace that jacket.

Ferguson should go straight from his monologue to interviews. He's the House, M.D. of comedy bits

6 hours and you learned nothing!
Circus folk are not carnies.

When I finally snap, I'm going to kill Keith Olbermann for Suzy Kolber, John Hinckley, Jr. style. I'll be successful, though, because who's going to stop me from shooting Keith Olbermann as many times as I want?