
Seth Rogen goes on notice starting now.
Magical black men and MPDGs side by side, but jewfro keeps it from being the greatest auto-recycler-o-matic ever.

Molten lava is fun to say. Redundancy ain't no sin.

Explain Mr. Hyden's twitter handle already, Mr. Heisler.

They wanna take him for granted?

chicken wire fence
It should have been in the rider contract.


Not official until November.

You're a couple decades too late. They done liberated all them titties that they possibly could.

If we move Quinn's books to the young adult section and Gore's books and film to the dumpsters where they belong, this shit wouldn't happen.

Both trains won't stop?
What absurd plot device could they think up to make stopping the other train and evacuating the children impossible?

If someone confronts you for using the correct French pronunciation instead of the erroneous Italian, it is your duty to punch them in the throat.

Enough of them to fill an Inventory, perhaps?

Will Scott Pilgrim's fanboys please come out of the woodwork? No? OK.

Worst job in the world? Janitor at the Cube.

Is Brett Favre the greatest angry masturbator of all time? No, but he's in the discussion. The only thing keeping him from being at the top of his game today is all that scar tissue.

Should've known better. Julius Peppers gets two chances to snap him like a twig this year, and I pray to my wrathful gods that he does.

What the fuck is going on with John Buccigross' hair?

I'd like to believe
This is all part of John McCain's plot to destroy the Neocons. He already knew he would lose the election before the convention. Maybe his VP vetting process wasn't flawed and worked out exactly the way he wanted. For all this to be true, his recent douchebaggery would have to be a red herring,

The choice to have sex with Levi Johnston?

Stop it, you two! Just stop it. Can't you see you're in love with each other?