
The 1960's?

I'll bet Marilyn Monroe, Ryan White and Princess Di take a lot of shit for that song in the afterlife.

They've taken most of Springsteen's stuff out of 'for sale only' limbo. Magic and WoaD seem to be the only holdouts. Then again, most of it was available when i signed up last year, so I'm not sure if it'll last.

Barker or Carey?

Burn Noticeā€¦
Brought to you by Saiga shotguns. "Saiga, we'll put that bitch in a rose garden."

She claims she's never kissed a girl, but Russell Brand is like a bearded lady. I lost my train of thought.

Has he tried visualizing his cock in his mouth?

9/11 had nothing to do with Jews. Al-qaeda and the wahhabi want our troops of their holy land because we are infidels. Why won't people accept that?

Every time Justin Bieber flips his bangs out of his eyes, you take a shot.

Which is more likely-that Dr. Robuttnik is a cross dresser, and his profile picture is a self portrait? or that he will be sued a quarter century from now for improper use of that woman's image?

These tirades have all been taken out of context.
They're symbolic. They symbolize Mel Gibson's anger.

The Lathe of Heaven
I guess it depends on what you mean by "largely within dreams," but I think it fits this list.

Hey, The Magnificent Seven came really close. I cannot think of a more recent example.

I am born anew in your genius.

This is like when fat chicks go shopping and complain about the skinny bitches who wear size 1 jeans, even though it's awkward adolescents who usually end up buying those pants. The point is, let kids have their stupid movie movies. They will grow out of them.

I'm probably even dumber than you, Charlie, but I'd like to add that "dark" is exactly the tone Jeunet aims for. The ridiculously diabolical villain in Delicatessen (also City of Lost Children) is a big reason why the whimsy works so well.

America's puritanical ways used to make sex scandals so much fun. We went to far in expecting a man not to record a three-way, though.

All things considered, I wouldn't object to going down on a woman who smelled like a pine forest.

Arsenio, you ignorant slut! It is ok to hold Jon Stewart to a higher standard than murderers and rapists and wife beaters and clitoris amputators. I should punch you in the throat for making me take Jezebel's side.
