
I used to live under a drug dealer, but now I live under a fat couple. Even so, it doesn't usually take so long to hear about stuff like this out here in the boonies.

You gotta tie it off at the wrists and ankles before you blow it up.

I'm sure most everyone has seen this already…
…but I didn't see it until a few nights ago after falling asleep to TDS. Comedy Central was showing episode 4 around 3 in the morning, possibly between ExtenZe commercials.

My only complaint
Too much energy was spent portraying Fred's fucked up mindset in the first scene, when Linklater could have just left in the line about killing all the drug dealers. I thoroughly enjoyed the rest of the film.

The second impact was seemingly the dog going under her tires, and it sounds like the child was hit first and thrown on impact. Joe V.'s theory holds up.

Kanye knows the statute of limtations for this shit
That's why he added lyrics claiming he's been on us since he was about ten years old.

It is superior to Vinny Pizzle, at least.

There weren't any blood spatter effects in GF, were there? If not, I hardly think Boll would adapt it.

I'd like to see him collaborate with Ken Burns on a documentary. PBS donors could vote on the subject matter!

If Nolan feels like throwing him a bone…
He should cast him as Morgan Freeman's replacement at Wayne Enterprises. That way, he can't possibly ruin the movie, and it wouldn't be a slap in the face because he's replacing Morgan Fucking Freeman.

Hey, Evan Bayh is stepping down. There could be a new klansman on the hill next January.

Seems we gave it back to the terrorists, but kept the statute of limitations on it for us regular felons. I really should keep up, that was three years ago.

Did we ever get habeas corpus back? I'll go look that up now. I miss the Bill of Rights.

I would pay upwards of $50 for your ribald memoirs if you entitled them Dogstyle Afternoon After Dark.

On June 25, 2010 at 4:25 PM Central Daylight Savings Time, a sailor attempted to convert a gay man to heterosexuality. Remember the day, children.

estupid lady!

ask a scientist
After 3 long years, they finally updated their advice column last month. I hope it wasn't a one off thing. That shit is funny.

California doesn't have two nickels to rub together; they certainly don't need another inmate to feed. The moral is, if you're planning to commit any non-violent crimes, head west!

Can that whale be taught to fart on cue?

Speed of Light is a great song
This may not be their best album, but they get major credit for being a British band that recorded beautiful music just a year or two after the shit stains that were Champagne Supernova and Bittersweet Symphony were inescapable.