
Ben Roethlisberger?

If Crush tricks that monkey into running for President, I'll vote for it.

Arizona will get what's coming to them
Hey , fucktards! Remember why law enforcement wasn't cooperating with the INS in the first place? Enjoy your surge in the violent crime rate as MS13 realizes they can commit murder, rape and kidnappings without fear of facing a jury trial in the US. It's not like the past half

I once saw a cute girl in a 'church of scientology recruiter' t-shirt. I didn't ask her if it was a joke because, if it wasn't, I'm sure she would have converted me.

I didn't even know they made a smarties cereal.

Googled Hard Core Logo and was initially disappointed to find it wasn't a gay porn network. Upon further reading, I'm definitely going to seek out that movie.

I can see the e*trade baby picking up an undercover Sex Cop on a street corner. I really can

From now on, I'll be nice to the living, but I'mma shit big turds on celebrities once they're dead.

as a guy with an unspiked mohawk
I am occasionally compared to Sloth. I'm not going to apologize to the Werff writer at the AV Club for loving The Goonies.

Burial ceremonies are among the earliest evidence we have of religion among humans, and they predate civilization. Polytheistic mythologies are not "early religions."

I'm hoping they at least have a flashback to the battle of which Shepard was the sole survivor. Dammit, I can't remember the other possible back stories right now.

Boz would have kicked his ass
Steve Miller is still alive?

What the hell did MacGyver do for a living?
Does anyone remember? Also, the show was not only somewhat popular. It was wildly popular to a small fanbase.

This thread was a delightful piece of non-claptrap that never once made me want to wretch.

Six fingeredness is a dominant genetic trait, as anyone who was ever a fan of a ball club with Antonio Alfonseca on the roster knows. It just usually gets sexually selected out of the gene pool, because, you know, it's freaky.

It's almost as if God isn't some Genie who grants unlimited wishes. WTF?!?!

Ed Begley Jr. picked the wrong day to start reading the TI.

If 'All These Things that I've Done' didn't exist, I would love the Killers.

I like how Shirley Bassey clearly thinks that song is beneath her. Until the Elton John Dancers show up, that is.