
Dead ears, thrown phones, and spelling his name with only one l. Crowe's got a good shot at the Meme HOF someday.

What about Kelly?

UCB was four hilarious people refusing to be funny and instead trying to create entertainment out of awkwardness and humiliation. It was sadist funny, not haha funny.

We'll see how nice it is when we sell Arizona back to Mexico.

I hate V because it differs so greatly from its source material, and I'm not even a fan of Arthur C. Clarke. Nobody could be less cool than me, so, you know, don't generalize.

Leave Riggle alone. He tried to make a go of it with his dildo shop, but who's buying sex toys in this economy?

I remember the video getting played on mtv. Made me question my love for the song.

Don't be so cynical. Those people will be confused for the rest of their lives.

I agree, but I did object to Sam making that, "I'm only not killing you because Bobby said I can't control my anger" face. Jared Padalecki has become a fine actor over the course of the series, but he can't be trusted to control his face when he doesn't have a line to read.

Nathan's actual goal was to reunite Carson with Tara Reid, but that fell through.

His family changed the pronunciation when they came to America so nobody could tell they're Jewish. Mission accomplished.

How are you gonna open your beers if you don't have your gun?

Perhaps he's a ghoul and he can only look like the last person he ate.

Everybody knows that Alpana Singh discovered Nathan Rabin. If you're not going to watch all of his televised appearances, perhaps you shouldn't comment.

stop misquoting occam
He said to ignore the outliers in your data. Accepting the simplest explanation every time would be unscientific.

bromance bonding moment?

Eddie Vedder is responsible for a handful of shitty imitators. There have been hundreds of "punk" bands who have had the following discussion: "Who do we want our frontman to sound like? Joe Strummer? John Doe? Henry Rollins? Fuck those guys, let's sound like Thom DeLonge! Pearl Jam is bush league compared to

It would be a lot faster for you to tell us which celebrities aren't replicants, AILMH.

I don't think Bob Dylan has ever sounded so Jewish as he did on his Christmas album. Four thumbs up.

grow a sense of humor, hipsters
Ke$ha knows exactly what Ke$ha is-ridiculous.